The easiest treatment of obesity is prevention of obesity, that is, never encountering this problem, but unfortunately the wrong eating habits, not doing sports, not having access to exercise opportunities, not having access to healthy and natural food, sedentary life, excessive TV watching, rupture from nature, depression, parental unconsciousness, parental obesity and it is no longer unlikely that obesity is a problem due to certain genetic conditions.
If we are experiencing obesity problems, the first thing to do is always to get used to the right diet, to reduce calorie intake and to increase calorie consumption as soon as possible and to take steps in this direction.
In cases where exercise and diet precautions do not work, our patients with obesity problems should never be despaired and should turn to other treatments. There are non-surgical and surgical treatments of obesity.
As non-surgical treatment, drug therapies (GLP Analogs), non-surgical therapies such as gastric balloon, gastric botox, constitute surgical treatments of obesity; tube stomach surgery (gastric reduction), gastric bypass, sadi, sadi S, duodenal switch creates many operations such as. In the surgical treatment of obesity in the world and in Turkey, the most commonly used method is Gastric Sleeve Surgery ( Sleeve gastrectomy )